Members Knowledge Centre FAQs

Can you advise me which standards to use for my business?

We can do subject searches and provide scopes or contents pages of standards if you're not sure whether to purchase. Detailed descriptions of standards are also provided on the BSI Shop. However, we're unable to recommend which standards you should use for your business.

Are you able to give interpretation of standards?

The responsibility for the correct application of a standard rests with its users, guided, where appropriate, by professional advice. BSI isn't able to give advice or interpret the content of standards. Some trade associations may be helpful in this case and we may be able to provide contact information for some of these.

Can you advise me on UK or EU Legislation or Regulation?

As British Standards are published for voluntary use and BSI is not a regulatory or government body, we're unable to advise on UK or EU Legislation or Regulation. You can find information about UK legislation on the Government's legislation website and European legislation on Eur-Lex.

Can I visit BSI to look at standards?

Yes, as a BSI Subscribing Members you  look at standards in the BSI Members' Reading Room at our head office in London for free. There's a £20 per hour charge for non-Members. We need at least 48 hours' notice for visits so that we can arrange any materials needed for study and to contact security for car park access. BSI committee members, journalists and students with proof of student status can also look at standards free of charge.