Bitcoin requires own version of ISO, consortium announces

BSI Staff Writer

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Bitcoin needs it's own ISOAs bitcoin gains in prominence and more people become aware of the digital currency, the need for a new ISO-style standard certificate is becoming more important, the CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium announced.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are being adopted by more and more organizations and institutions, meaning that standards and quality guidelines regarding the use of such software need to be reviewed and audited, NewsBTC reports. The CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium is an organization taking it upon itself to help establish standards for bitcoin and cryptocurrency technology-based applications and platforms. The standards will look at things like usability, privacy, security, decentralization and trust.

The CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium currently offers two certification programs – the Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) certificate and the Certified Bitcoin Expert (CBX) certificate. Both of these certifications include a series of questions for cryptocurrency start-ups to answer that will test their knowledge of bitcoin and blockchain technology. If an organization successfully passes the test, they will be awarded with the relevant certificate.

It is noted that the CBP is suited for all those involved in bitcoin technology, whereas the CBX is tailor-made for start-ups involved in the development and testing of digital currency environments.

However, the consortium is currently looking to expand its offering further and has drafted a security standard for cryptocurrency systems that would be recognized globally. This new certificate looks to create a detailed framework for bitcoin systems to adhere to and will act in a role similar to that of ISO in the bitcoin industry.

The consortium has a number of qualified board members as well as individuals from established bitcoin companies acting as advisors. It is a not-for-profit organization.

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