Trio of BSI Members take top prizes at BSI Standards Users Awards

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hands applaudingEvery year, the BSI Standards Users Awards recognize the successful use of voluntary standards. Amongst 2022’s outstanding winners are three BSI Members. Here they are, and a brief description of what’s made them award winners.

Category: Business Performance Improvement
Winner: Emcor UK

Emcor UK, have adopted the principles of BS EN ISO 27500:2017 The human-centred organization. Rationale and general principles, They have also adopted and been certified to BS ISO 45003:2021 Occupational health and safety management. Psychological health and safety at work. Guidelines for managing psychosocial risks.

That’s quite a mouthful, but essentially by using these two standards EMCOR UK has been able to provide a whole person approach to fostering positive physical and mental health in their workplace.

It’s now an environment where it’s easier for employees to find meaning and purpose and bring their whole selves to work. This contributes towards an improvement in physical, psychological, psychosocial, and financial wellbeing. The standards provide the framework for what is now an enterprise approach to risk management, assurance, physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace. The standards certainly underpin the fulfilment of Emcor UK’s vision of “creating a better world at work.”

For more details, read our interview with Emcor UK now.

Category: Resilience
This award recognizes use of a voluntary standard(s) to increase the resilience of the business and mitigate risks.
Winner: Bank of England

The Bank of England has used BS ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Systems and software engineering. Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). System and software quality models to create a method for conducting business system architectural health checks.

This means they can now more quickly identify risks and more effectively ensure that appropriate levels of quality and resilience are met. Their use of the standard has played a critical role in improving their management of a system at the Bank which forms part of the UK's Critical National Infrastructure. This standard is now being built into the Bank’s architecture design methods and practices across the board.

Category: Safety
This award recognizes the use of voluntary standard(s) to drive safety.
Winner: PAT-iT Ltd

There are a quartet of standards at the heart of this win for PAT-iT Ltd. They were rewarded for their use of BS 5266 Emergency lighting. Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises, the BS 5499 series for safety signs and fire safety notices, BS EN 50678 General procedure for verifying the effectiveness of the protective measures of electrical equipment after repair and BS EN 50699 Recurrent Tests of Electrical Equipment. Plus their commitment to undergoing training on the application of British Standards didn’t go unnoticed.

Their efforts mean that PAT-iT have been able to identify previously unseen or ignored risks to health and safety. Their commitment to continuous development and standards has enabled them to protect their clients from serious harm and potentially saved lives. What’s more, the rigour of their standards-based approach has also enabled them to win new clients. Read our interview with PAT-iT Ltd now.

Congratulations to our BSI members on their awards. It’s certainly a great way to end the year.
You can find the full list of all the BSI award winners here, not just all those celebrated as standards users, but also the exceptional standards makers who make standards happen.


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