Extra time to apply new product safety marking (UKCA)

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UKCA logoAn important milestone in the standards environment that relates to Brexit is the transition from CE marking to UKCA marking system.

From the end of the EU exit transition period, on 31 December 2020, a new UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking system was introduced for Great Britain. This replaces the EU’s CE marking regime.

It is worth noting that the full transition to UKCA marking has been extended by a year from 1 January 2022 to the same date in 2023.

From 1 January 2023, it will no longer be legal for businesses to follow the CE marking route to place goods on the markets in Great Britain (subject to certain exceptions for Northern Ireland).

Organizations should ensure they allow plenty of time to manage this change and seek advice on how to achieve conformity should they require it. The exception is medical devices,where businesses will not need to use the UKCA marking until 1 July 2023.

Using time wisely 

Shahm Barhom, Group Product Certification Director at BSI, said about the extention: “Following the Government’s announcement of a year’s extension to the CE Marking deadline, I would like to encourage all manufacturers looking to place relevant regulated products on the Great Britain market not to delay their application for the UKCA mark.

“Many manufacturers are yet to submit applications for products in readiness for 1st January 2023 and we need to allow both manufacturers and Approved Bodies the appropriate time to get prepared. It is important we do not delay and continue our momentum to ensure all required products receive the UKCA mark before the revised deadline.”

Organizations now have until 1st January 2023 to have the UKCA mark affixed, except Medical Devices which have their own deadlines.

More information:

* BSI UKCA Webinars
* Standards and regulation
* UK government website: UKCA marking

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