Excessive clinginess, low self-esteem, recurrent nightmares or over-friendliness towards strangers might indicate that a child is being abused or neglected, say health experts.
Organisational resilience is “the ability of an organization to anticipate, prepare for, respond and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions in order to survive and prosper.” At first glance, the term ‘resilience’ brings to mind the idea of fortifying a business. But the term is about more than just increasing the robustness of a business – it’s about looking forward to see what might happen and striving to stay one step ahead.
As sustainability moves up on businesses’ priority lists, more and more terms are being bandied around in this sector, creating confusion. One such term is ‘social value’, which has increasingly found its way into the corporate lexicon alongside its cousin ‘corporate social responsibility’.
To support the development of personalised care across the health and care system, NHS England, in collaboration with Clinical Commission Groups (CCGs), is planning to issue new guidance on IT requirements for Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) and Personal Health Budgets (PHBs), Health IT Central reports.
GPs have been accused of ignoring guidelines on breast cancer prevention drugs because they do not want to have to broach the subject with patients, the Telegraph reports.
New guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggest GPs should routinely assess the psychological state of all women who have recently given birth.
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is set to introduce new forensic standards to improve examinations of victims of sexual assault to ensure that the treatment of victims is consistent throughout Scotland, BBC News reports.
Cost regulators for the NHS in England and Wales have ruled that "one of the most important advances in treating breast cancer in 20 years" is too costly to be funded by the health service.
Helmets are vital for sports or activities where you are at risk of head injuries. Whether you’re riding a bike or playing cricket, a helmet has the potential to save your life by cushioning your skull from impact.