There are an estimated 200 deaths on the road each year as a result of people drug driving. It's hoped that these new regulations will reduce that figure.
By opting for third party accreditation to ISO 39001, fleets are able to ensure their drivers meet the highest safety standards and make safety a priority. The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has called for all fleets to carry out the relevant accreditation.
ISO 14001 is set to change this year. Businesses that are currently certified to ISO 14001 will have three years in which to transfer their existing EMS to the updated standard.
The EU is well known for the comprehensive regulations it puts in place concerning everything from health and safety and employment rights to the environment. They are put into place to keep us safe and are often hard-fought issues.
It was 30 June 2014 when legislation was passed allowing UK workers to request flexible working. However less than a quarter (23%) have taken advantage of this opportunity so far, according to research conducted by digital communications company O2 Business.