Trio of BSI Members take top prizes at BSI Standards Users Awards

Hands clappingEvery year, the BSI Standards Users Awards recognize the successful use of voluntary standards. Amongst 2022’s outstanding winners are three BSI Members.

Here they are, and a brief description of what’s made them award winners.

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What kind of professional finds withdrawn standards useful?

old standard documentStandards are reviewed every five years. If they are not considered relevant in the current market, they are withdrawn.  

But this doesn’t mean the withdrawn standard is worthless. In fact, you might be surprised how many types of people might want to use withdrawn standards, and how they do so.

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The latest news, views and opinions from the world of sustainability for BSI Members

satellite in spaceCatch up on key developments in the world of sustainability, breaking news, data and analysis drawn from across the globe. Like making leather from fish, transforming food waste with flies, and drilling for energy into the centre of the earth.

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Why purpose-driven companies perform better (but only if they practise what they preach)

team bondingAs organizations look to adapt to a fast changing world, there is a great opportunity to align corporate purpose and strategy with the transition to a sustainable economy, and become ‘purpose-driven’. Not only is becoming purpose-driven the ‘right’ thing to do for our society and planet as a whole, it can help accelerate growth and boost employee and customer satisfaction.

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Why it always pays to read these two parts of a standard first

highlighter penBefore diving into the more detailed parts of a standard, always check the scope and introduction. Here's why reading these sections first will mean you won’t waste valuable time understanding the provisions of a standard, only to realise that it cannot be used in the chosen context.

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Making the most of your BSI Membership in the first year

man greeting young womanIf you’ve just become a BSI Member, you’ll now want to get up to speed quickly and get every bit of value from your new BSI Membership. Here are our top tips for making the most of your first year. 

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Starting young: in conversation with Sophie Jones, a standards award winner with an unusually early beginning in standards

air traffic controllers at workAfter CAA International (CAAi) scooped a top award at last year’s BSI Standards Users Awards, we caught up with their Head of Operations and Training, and BSI Member, Sophie Jones. She discussed her childhood introduction to standards, the recent award win, and how she sees BS EN ISO 9001 contributing to the future of her organisation. 

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Starting up business travel again? Here’s how to keep your employees safe.

travelling for workCorporate travel is starting to recover. But in an unpredicatable world,, you'll need to reassess the risks faced by your employees as part of a duty of care towards staff. And develop a risk management strategy to keep them safe. But what exactly are the risks of business travel today and how can they be mitigated?

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“It’s not that the world needed another motor racing series, but the planet did.”

formula e car racingWe spoke with Formula E’s Sustainability Director and BSI Member, Julia Pallé, about her career, how the Formula E racing championship has developed its pioneering approach to sustainability, and how BS ISO 20121 plays a role in its ongoing success. 

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How can you release the full potential of your older workers?

mature worker smilingOne in three workers in the UK is already aged over 50. Older workers have a lot to offer in terms of knowledge, experience and contributing to the diversity of a team. They are also more loyal than younger workers. However, mature workers are not always valued, supported or given opportunities to develop. So, what should your organisation do to support older workers?

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Find the standards to support Net Zero for your sector in a click with BSI

workers at windfarmThe UK won't reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050d by doing business as usual. Every organization in the country will need to assess its carbon footprint and take measures to mitigate it. If you want to make changes,, why not take a look at BSI’s new interactive digital tool? It quickly helps to map out the standards that can guide your organization on the road to Net Zero.

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Why whistleblowing is good for business

whistleblower in office at computerIf something is going wrong in your company, wouldn’t it be far better to know about it sooner, rather than later? Whistle blowers might have a negative reputation in business, but in reality, they can be a great asset, helping to flag up issues before they turn into full-blown disasters.

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The important differences between accreditation and certification

woman in lab with tabletIt's clear that having independent validation of the quality of your organization can help your business stay competitive and boost your reputation.  But what’'s the difference between certification and accreditation, the two words that are often used interchangeably? Let’s take a closer look.

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Download the little book that’s a big help in cutting your carbon emissions

green vehicles and chargerSmall and medium-sized businesses  make up over 99% of all the UK’s 5.9 million enterprises. And they produce half of all business-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  The Little Book of Net Zero for Small Businesses provides a practical guide to cutting your carbon, whatever the size of your organisation. And its free to download right now.

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How can you best help your vulnerable consumers?

woman on phoneAs the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated, we can all become vulnerable at any time.. As consumers, that vulnerability makes it so much harder to make smart, informed choices. Standards such as BS 18477, help organizations identify and meet the needs of vulnerable customers. And a new international standard, ISO 22458 is also being developed from this ground-breaking British standard.

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Psychological well-being at work: advice and supporting standards

Supportive gesturePeople are the heart of success for any organization. When they’re placed under extended or excessive stress, this can impact psychological well-being and their quality of life, as well as work performance. The COVID-19 pandemic has put additional stress on all of us, bringing the relationship between work and psychological health and safety into the limelight.

What is the best way to support people’s psychological health, safety and well-being at work?

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How to navigate the bibliographic information of a standard on the BSI shop

man sitting at laptopEver wondered which organizations sat on the committee for a particular standard? Or which international standards relate to the one you’ve just bought? Well, the answers to these questions and a lot more are in the bibliographic information. Here’s a quick overview of what to look out for.

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Micromobility: what is the current state of legality and regulation?

e-scooterTrials of e-scooters are under way in over 50 UK towns and cities. More than two million journeys have already been made. 

The first batch of trials will end in autumn 2021, and the findings used to shape ‘an appropriate and effective regulatory legal framework for e-scooter use.

We could soon be seeing many more of these ‘powered transporters’ on the UK’s roads. However, questions remain about both their safety and their environmental credentials. We've taken an in-depth look at the issues.

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Two quick ways to find out about a standard’s equivalent

two identical windowsHave you ever found a foreign standard and wondered if there is a BS or equivalent standard in the UK? Or perehaps you're working on a project that's abroad and need the right standard for that country. Here are two ways to save time and get what you need.

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Seven ways to drive your business to net zero carbon by 2050

Carbon reduction signOur recent survey of 1000 UK businesses found that many companies were committed to net zero targets,but were unsure where to start.

If you’re a BSI member who is not sure either, or you want to ensure you’re on the right track to a carbon-free business, these seven recommendations provide a framework for action.

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How do you approach reopening your workplace with confidence?

masked woman with open signAs pandemic restrictions are eased, more organizations are preparing to re-open their workplaces. 

The transition is likely to involve adopting a hybrid model where some workers are based at home for all or part of the time. Managing this move will require the development of new policies and practices. So, what should you consider when reopening your workplace?

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MOD and BSI: working together to combat COVID-19

soldier helping with COVID testIn the initial stages of a pandemic, every minute matters. Response has to be rapid,. Critical workers need relevant information at their fingertips to make the right decisions.

In the highly-pressured early days of the pandemic, one MOD worker spotted an opportunity to make it easier for essential workers to access the standards they needed. The simple but effective solution made a real difference to people at the forefront of the nation’s pandemic response.

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